Once you have decided to have facelift and scheduled your procedure with Dr. Arie Benchetrit, the next step is to prepare yourself both physically and mentally for surgery. There are habits you should stop or adjust, and household responsibilities to take care of before undergoing facelift. Taking the proper precautions increases the likelihood of a safe, swift recovery and minimizes the chances of adverse reactions.
1. Stop Smoking
It is extremely important that you stop smoking at least three weeks before and one week after your facelift surgery. Smoking impairs your body’s ability to heal after any kind of surgery and so may affect the results of your facelift. For example, poor wound healing or other complications may affect your outcome.
You should also stop drinking alcohol at least two days before surgery because alcohol thins your blood, causes your skin to dry out and affects your body’s healing capabilities.
2. Adjust Your Medications
Dr. Benchetrit will ask you for a complete list of medications, vitamins and supplements you currently take. Based on this list, he may advise that you adjust certain medications or stop taking some altogether in preparation for your surgery.
For example, you must stop taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs or blood thinners. Dr. Benchetrit will also suggest stopping most vitamins and supplements at least one week before surgery as these too can thin the blood and make bruising last longer.
3. Get Lab Testing or a Medical Evaluation
During your pre-operative evaluation, Dr. Benchetrit will advise whether you need to undergo routine lab testing or see a specialist for a particular health issue. Whether you need testing depends on your medical history and your current health.
4. Prepare for a Comfortable Recovery
Prepping your home and the “recovery area” where you will spend most of your time after surgery is very helpful. After surgery, you won’t have the energy or mobility to clean, cook or do laundry.
Consider doing the following prior to your surgery:
- Stocking your fridge and kitchen with easy-to-prepare meals and snacks
- Stocking up on books or magazines to read, knitting or sewing projects to work on, or adding television shows or movies to your Netflix queue
- Purchasing recovery supplies such as ice packs, gauze and bandages
- Filling your prescriptions
- Doing laundry so you have plenty of clean towels, washcloths, sheets and cozy clothing
5. Reach Out to Dr. Benchetrit With Questions
You should feel confident that all of your questions and concerns have been addressed and comfortable with your treatment plan. Dr. Benchetrit is the best source of information about preparing for facelift and recovering quickly. If you have questions about the surgery or want to discuss any of your concerns, Dr. Benchetrit will make himself available.
To contact Dr. Benchetrit, call or email our office today.