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How Mommy Makeover Can Improve Your Body After Pregnancy

Mommy Makeover in Pointe Claire

Have you lost the “baby weight” after your pregnancy and then been disappointed to discover that your body doesn’t look the same as it did before motherhood? Unfortunately, even the strictest diet and exercise plan is unlikely to restore a firm tummy and perky breasts. However, you can make transformative improvements with a customized plastic… Continue Reading →

Curious About Liposuction In Montreal? We Answer Your Important Questions

Liposuction Surgery in Montreal

Although liposuction has been around for several decades, myths about the popular surgery persist. While many assume that liposuction is for lazy people trying to circumnavigate diet and exercise, it is more accurately a way to eliminate bulges  where stubborn fat persists. Because of the misconceptions, Dr. Arie Benchetrit, a leading plastic surgeon in Montreal,… Continue Reading →

How Dr. Benchetrit Combines Eyelid Surgery and Browlift for Maximum Effect

brow lift montreal

While plastic surgeons agree that a browlift is a procedure that rejuvenates the forehead, the approach utilized can differ significantly from one plastic surgeon to the next. For example, Dr. Arie Benchetrit rarely performs a traditional brow lift these days, favoring less invasive techniques that can tighten weakened muscles and smooth the skin with minimal… Continue Reading →

Can I Have Cosmetic Breast Surgery Before Having Children?

Breast Surgery Montréal

Are you considering a cosmetic breast procedure like breast augmentation, but have hesitations based on a desire to have children one day? Take it from board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Arie Benchetrit: having plastic surgery is not an obstacle to having children or breastfeeding. In this blog, he discusses what women who hope to become mothers… Continue Reading →

Neuromodulators: Which Neuromodulator Is Right for You?

Botox Pointe Claire

Botulinum toxin products are a popular treatment for lines and wrinkles on the upper portion of the face, including crow’s feet, vertical frown lines (glabellar lines), and horizontal lines across the forehead. These injectable products, sometimes referred to by providers as neuromodulators, temporarily freeze specific facial muscles that leave indentations on thinning skin so the… Continue Reading →