Summer is still months away but it’s not too early to start thinking about your beach body. In fact, undergoing a plastic surgery procedure at the beginning of the year ensures that you will be fully healed by the time summer rolls around. Here, Montreal plastic surgeon Dr. Arie Benchetrit discusses the most common plastic… Continue Reading →
How Plastic Surgery Can Help You Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions
The beginning of the year makes many people reflect on ways they can improve themselves and their wellbeing. But whether it’s to lose weight, go on new adventures or make more time for self-care, resolutions can be hard to keep. If you are one of the many people who struggle to achieve your resolutions each… Continue Reading →
What to Know About Liposuction
While liposuction is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures performed today, it is also one of the most misunderstood. If you’re considering undergoing this body contouring procedure, Montreal plastic surgeon Dr. Arie Benchetrit encourages you to do your “homework.” Here, he explains what you should know about the procedure.
How to Prolong Your Facelift Results
The best way to ensure long-lasting and natural-looking results with facelift is to work with a board-certified plastic surgeon that has years of experience performing the procedure. This said, your lifestyle and skin care habits also play a significant role in the longevity of your results.
Common Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Plastic Surgeon
If you are considering plastic surgery, there are many important decisions you will need to make, but none more important than the surgeon who will perform your procedure. Working with a qualified plastic surgeon is crucial for your safety and the success of your results.
Is Your Skincare Routine Working For or Against You?
Have you spent time and money on an array of skin care products, but are still not seeing the glowing and radiant results you desire? It may be that your skincare regimen is doing more harm than good. Montreal plastic surgeon Dr. Arie Benchetrit sees many patients who want beautiful skin but are unintentionally sabotaging… Continue Reading →
Can Post-Weight Loss Body Contouring Help You?
Many bariatric patients seek body contouring following their weight loss achievement. Body contouring refers to a group of plastic surgery procedures that focus on sculpting the body’s contours by removing excess skin and pockets of stubborn fat. If you have recently lost a substantial amount of weight, Montreal plastic surgeon Dr. Arie Benchetrit encourages you… Continue Reading →
What’s the Difference Between a Breast Reduction and a Breast Lift with Reduction
Recent reports reveal that the number of women seeking breast reduction has increased. Many of the women who are unhappy with their enlarged breasts are also concerned about breast sag (ptosis). For these patients, Montreal plastic surgeon Dr. Arie Benchetrit offers the option of breast lift with reduction.
What to Consider Before Undergoing Tummy Tuck
If eating healthily and exercising regularly are not giving you the flat and toned abdomen you desire, then tummy tuck may be the solution. Also known as abdominoplasty, tummy tuck addresses the loose skin, tissue and muscles responsible for that flabby and unflattering abdominal appearance so many patients complain of. Potential patients are encouraged to… Continue Reading →
Tips for Choosing a Plastic Surgeon
One of the most important decisions you will have to make during your plastic surgery journey is choosing the plastic surgeon that will perform your procedure. With so many plastic surgeons to choose from, it may seem daunting or difficult to select one. Dr. Arie Benchetrit is here to help. The trusted doctor has compiled… Continue Reading →