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Short-Scar Facelift: Facial Rejuvenation With a Smaller Incision

Short-scar facelift in Montreal

Facial aging can undermine your confidence, especially when fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin begin to appear. At his Montreal practice, Dr. Arie Benchetrit offers the short-scar facelift, a cutting-edge solution for facial rejuvenation with less invasive techniques.

With over 35 years of experience and thousands of successful surgeries, Dr. Benchetrit is a respected leader in the field. He has been performing short-scar facelifts to great acclaim for more than a decade and is known as the go-to surgeon for this unique facelift approach. This innovative procedure delivers natural-looking results while minimizing scarring.

What Is a Short-Scar Facelift?

A short-scar facelift is a less invasive technique using smaller incisions to achieve a youthful appearance. With a short-scar facelift, the incision is about one-third as long as a traditional one.

The procedure targets the signs of mid-face aging, focusing on common concerns, including:

  • Cheek Sagging
  • Jowls
  • Nasolabial Folds
  • Undereye Sagging

The main goal of a short-scar facelift is to lift and tighten. This surgery can help transform the typically square face shape that often develops in middle age into a more” “V” shaped appearance synonymous with youth.

Benefits of a Short-Scar Facelift

Our patients often come to Dr. Benchetrit for short-scar facelifts because they seek noticeable results without a full facelift. Benefits include:

  • Minimal Scarring: Smaller incisions mean less noticeable scars. In a short-scar facelift, Dr. Benchetrit conceals incisions in the hairline, extending to either just above or behind the ears. This inconspicuous incision means you can even wear your hair in a ponytail or bun without anyone noticing the scars.
  • Natural results: With a short-scar facelift, Dr. Benchetrit focuses on impressive yet natural-looking rejuvenation. Your face will look refreshed without appearing “overdone.”
  • Quicker recovery: Because incisions are shorter, there’s less tissue disruption, and that reduces downtime. It’s an outpatient procedure; most patients return to work in 7-10 days.

While there’s no doubt that a short-scar facelift offers impressive advantages, it’s important to remember it’s not as comprehensive a procedure as a full facelift.

Is This Procedure Right for You?

This technique is often ideal for women (and men!) who feel frustrated and unhappy with mid-face aging. The procedure is best for people with good skin elasticity. During your consultation, Dr. Benchetrit will evaluate your facial structure and skin elasticity to determine whether a short-scar facelift could be the best bet for you.

If you’re looking for a more dramatic rejuvenation of the middle and lower face, including correcting a sagging jawline, deep nasolabial folds, and fat deposits under the chin, a full facelift could be the right choice.

Dr. Benchetrit is one of a few surgeons in Montreal specializing in both procedures. We have the state-of-the-art Vectra 3D photosystem in the office, so you can preview your results before you schedule your surgery.

Short-Scar Facelift in Montreal

Are you ready to explore how a short-scar facelift can rejuvenate your appearance in a natural-looking way? Call Dr. Arie Benchetrit’s practice at 514-613-4355 to book your personalized consultation in Montreal.